Fusion Academy Teachers Union

Welcome to Fusion Academy Teachers Union

Supporting high-quality, personalized education at Fusion Academies in New York City

About Us

We, the teachers and mentors of Fusion Academy Upper West Side and Brooklyn, are dedicated to continuing to provide high-quality, personalized education for each of our students. As essential members of the Fusion Academy Upper West Side and Brooklyn communities, we have formed a union because teaching and learning depend on a staff who are empowered and protected by respect, stability, and due process.

Learn More

For Families

Committed Educators

Our union ensures that your children are taught by dedicated and well-supported teachers.

Quality Education

We advocate for resources and policies that enhance the learning experience at Fusion Academy.

Student Success

Our goal is to create an environment where every student can thrive and succeed.

Sign the Parent Petition

For Teachers

As a member of the Fusion Academy Teachers Union, you are also a member of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT). You have access to resources, support, and a community of fellow educators. Together, we work to improve our teaching conditions and student learning outcomes.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to get involved?

Brooklyn: unionfusionbrooklyn@gmail.com
Sign the Parent Petition